23rd Labor Day Riden Reunion in Riceville, TN

OH LOOK it’s our yearly post on Riden.org, online so it must be about the 23rd annual Labor Day Reunion of the Riden/Elrod/Barker/Smith… Family & Friends!

Monday, pilule LABOR DAY September 5th, 2011 at the old Riden homeplace in Riceville, TN.

Come whenever you can… potluck lunch will be 12:00 or 12:30… stay as long as you wish, visit & have fun!  If you wish, share new info such as birth dates etc, show pictures of family history & much more.

Here’s the Facebook event. Feel free to spread the word.. also there’s a Riden Family Group on Facebook and a Riden family Twitter account.

Give us a yell if you need directions.